HEERF Funding


Sam Houston State University applied for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act known as CARES funding on April 13, 2020. The university received $18.3 million, with $8.7 million used for Emergency Financial Aid Grants. SHSU的10,128名非重复性学生获得了8,734,102美元的CARES资助.

  • Eligibility and Application Process

    大约有12,000名学生有资格通过《mgm集团线路检测中心》获得资助. 援外关怀计划的资金是根据联合国的资格要求发放的 Department of Education 包括入学状况和经济援助资格等条件.

    学生们可以通过上海外国语大学的网站获得在线申请. 指定了一个委员会来审查符合入学状况和第四章标准的符合条件的学生的所有与covid相关需求的申请. 财政援助工作人员使用各种报告来确定第四章资格(SAP), Disbursement reports, Residency Reports from Admissions and Registrar's Office). 委员会审查了技术需求、住房/粮食不安全以及一般需求. 

  • Award Amounts

    SHSU provided three application periods for students to apply. The average award for the students was $1,000 per disbursement. Award amounts for each funding cycle/round of awards:

    • 2020年春季学生-(申请日期3/22 - 3/31):*第一轮最高奖励2美元,000: Technology - $800, Rent - $500, Food - $250, Unspecific - $250, Academic Assistance(books/supplies) - $500
    • 2020年春季和夏季学生-(申请日期4/13 - 4/18):*第二轮最高奖金3美元,000: Technology - $500, Rent - $2000, Food - $2000, Unspecific - $750, Academic Assistance(books/supplies) - $500
    • 2020年夏季学生-(申请日期6/1 - 6/8)*第二轮最高奖金3美元,000: Technology - $500, Rent - $2000, Food - $2000, Unspecific - $500, Academic Assistance(books/supplies) - $500
  • Student Notification


    • 提交申请的学生收到了确认电子邮件,其中包含预期的获奖日期
    • Students who were denied were sent notification
    • Approval emails included details on when to expect their refunded funds


由于SHSU申请和接受关怀(HEERF I)援助, the university was awarded $29.9 million from the Department of Education, with $8.7 million to be used for student emergency aid awards. 11,844 unduplicated students at SHSU have received $8,734,第102条高等教育紧急救济基金,即冠状病毒应对和救济补充拨款(CRRSA)法案.

  • Eligibility and Application Process

    Potentially eligible students were identified using residency reports, disbursement reports, SAP reports from Financial Aid, Admissions and Registrar’s Office.  Eligible students were invited to apply through a Qualtrics application.  Approximately 4,091 students applied for assistance.  The application opened March 1, 2021 and ended March 5, 2021.  授予标准是在2021年春季入学,并有资格获得2021年春季学期的第四章资助.  资格仍然基于教育部的指导,学生必须符合第四章的资格(寻求学位), enrolled and meeting SAP).


  • Award Amounts

    The average award amount for unduplicated students was $1,700.  奖学金分三个资助周期/轮,以协助学生应付每月的需要.  Funding amounts were: Rent $1,500, Food $750, Technology $500 and Medical $500 with a maximum award amount of $2,500.

    • Round 1: 3,757 students received $3,097,750
    • Round 2: 3,655 students received $2,311,250
    • Round 3: 3,380 students received $1,945,000
    • 另有141名学生获转介,并获资助401,585元,以协助他们的特殊需要


      • 576名学生的结余由机构基金支付,总额为505,926美元.92
      • 421名学生的结余用HEERF II基金支付,共计343,697美元.76
      • Student Notification

          Students were notified to apply through email invitation.  奖励通知在获得奖励后发送,并说明退款的期望.  Denied students were also sent notification of the committee's decision.

        ARP (HEERF III)

        在获得HEERF I和II基金后,Sam Houston州立大学获得了25美元的奖励.500万美元来自美国救援计划(ARP),用于教育部的学生. 上海外国语大学的12,776名单读学生获得了25,521,947美元的ARP资助.

        • Eligibility and Application Process

          教育部修改了发放紧急援助的资格,将DACA纳入其中, International and Undocumented students.  With this news, 该委员会努力帮助这些以前没有获得机会的学生.  自大流行开始以来连续入学的学生, March 13, 2020 were considered if they met the University’s SAP Policy.  优先考虑以前没有获得至少3美元奖励的学生,000 in prior emergency assistance (HEERF I and II, including balance payments). 

          The first awards were made in summer 2021 through block grants.  There were no applications, eligible students were identified and awarded.  Upon being awarded, 学生们必须在黑板上完成一段教育视频和测试,然后他们的资金才会发放.  这是为了在学生中普及金融教育,并帮助创造一个更可持续的金融环境. 

        • Award Amounts

          有资格申请或已经通过FAFSA申请联邦援助的学生将获得1美元,500.  Those not eligible to complete a FAFSA were awarded $2,500.  As of August 31, 2021, 1,528 students were awarded a total of $2,788,000 through the Summer Block Grant.

          还利用机构援助来支付学生的逾期余额.  5,770 students received a total of $5,735,191.58 in HEERF III assistance that paid their past due balances in full.

        • Student Notifications


        Application Period

        申请将于2021年9月15日至2021年10月1日之间接受. 申请链接将于9月15日开始发送到您的上海外国语大学收件箱,并在上海外国语大学的社交媒体上发布, 2021.

        Additional Resources

        截至2023年12月31日的机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q42023_12312023

        截至2023年9月30日的机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q32023_09302023

        Quarterly Expenditure report for Institutional Funds as of June 30, 2023: 00360600_HEERF_Q22023_06302023

        截至2023年3月31日的机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q12023_03312023

        截至2022年12月31日机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q42022_12312022

        截至2022年9月30日机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q32022_09302022

        Quarterly Expenditure report for Institutional Funds as of June 30, 2022: 00360600_HEERF_Q22022_07112022

        截至2022年3月31日机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q12022_03312022

        截至2021年12月31日机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q42021_12312021

        截至2021年9月30日机构基金季度支出报告: 00360600_HEERF_Q32021_093021

        Quarterly Expenditure report for Institutional Funds as of June 30, 2021

        Quarterly Expenditure report for Institutional Funds as of March 31, 2021

